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What's so special about Surftron?

Surftron introduces new concepts in One-Touch Surfing, Smart Marks and Site Sharing. We're Mac news junkies and we found no better way to keep up with all the news and rumors without spending hours a day surfing all the news sites.

IE has subscriptions and it's FREE!

Try them both and you'll see the difference. IE will indicate a page changed when ANYTHING on the page changes, including ads. Surftron can avoid ads or other frequently changing areas and instead tell you whenever the content you're really interested in changes.

How come I can't see anything different on the web page?

Sometimes you may not detect a difference with your eye because some site editors make simple typo or grammar corrections which Surftron detects, but that are hard for you to spot. Other times site editors modify their sites which cause Surftron to detect changes. In this case someone will need to modify the settings and submit them to the Surftron server for everyone to use.

There's no category for... ?

Well, when we think of a good way to allow everyone to submit categories we will add that capability, until then please submit your category requests to Surftron Support.

Why are there empty categories?

That's why we need you. As more users use Site Sharing, more categories will fill with sites, So please submit sites that you think others will be interested in visiting.

I'm a Web Master, can Surftron help increase traffic?

Surftron can increase your web traffic! By submitting your site to Surftron's Site Sharing, Surftron users will know instantly if your site has been updated and therefore will visit more frequently.

Do you keep track of what I'm doing?

Absolutely NOT! We do NOT keep track of your websites or could we. Your data is totally your own and located only on your local machine or on your own FTP server if you choose that option. The only default communication with our server is to check for application updates (which you can turn off in Preferences) and verifying registration keys when unlocking the demo version.


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